Stationers for Kings
Stationers for Kings
If you want some fresh ideas on your brand. Whether you have been in the game for 20 years or are even just starting out, it won't hurt to schedule a meeting with us. We especially love design for print and packaging as this is our strong suite. We have all the answers you need for your questions on paper, process and price.
Ask any of our existing clients and they will tell you that when it comes to our services in print making, we are unrivaled in the GCC. We are specialists in high end luxury printing and stationary, and some of the biggest names in design get our production advise on their projects.
This involves some of the new stuff we've been experimenting with, namely a pretty rad greeting card collection (stuff that we want that's never been available) and the kind of affordable but awesome commercial art we want to give our friends and decorate our homes with.
Impression Making
Impression Making
Foil Impression. Matte Black and Gold.
Zinc plates are cast based on our artwork and impression is done through painstaking registration (getting the impression stamp to line up with the artwork if foils are not being used). It took us 2 years to fully wrap our heads around impression making. We understand registration thresholds (we know the limits of typeface size). We understand paper. What looks good and what gets the best results depending on the job at hand. Trust our advise. We are the experts. Do we ever make mistakes? Yes. But all in the name of pushing the limits. And you never have to pay for our mistakes.
We know it's what you want. It may even be why you're checking out our website. You may have seen some of our work floating around. It looks like letterpress--but it's not. It's impression making. We use a Heidelberg windmill to do our impressions, but the plates are not inked. Inking is either done prior to impression through offset printing. Or color is directly applied through the impression by way of "hot foil stamping." Our foils come in a range of colored metallics and matte foils.
This A3 print is a mixture of our impression making on a colored print (top half) and "blind impression" a colorless impression made directly onto paper with no ink (bottom half). Blind impression has stunning results when used in the right conditions. The size of typeface is very important. There is a sweet spot between "too small" and "too large."
The Heart of Sharjah
The Heart of Sharjah
When we brand and design stationary collateral for our clients, we interface with our press on a constant basis. There is no such thing as "outsourcing" in our dictionary. Our team is either on the floor while production is going on, or members are in close proximity. It's usually Amoury who has his hand on the production pulse.
The industrial areas are very well organized and this puts us into close proximity to the bulk of our suppliers. This means that most production jobs take us half the time to do.
We frequent the Emirates Fine Art Society in Sharjah. We love that place because it is one of the only spots in the UAE that takes print making seriously, offering support and workshops to all people who love the craft.