I should have reviewed the Curtis Lane EP from ACTIVE CHILD months ago. But I didn’t have the blog then. I do now, SO here’s what i’ve done for you. You can watch the video for I’m in your Church at Night up above. And listen to the entire EP, on my very convenient playlist below :) Sadly the only version of Wilderness which I could embed is a remix version. But the original is great, and you must give it a listen.
Active Child is Pat Grossi, who’s ethereal falsetto can be attributed to his days as a choir boy, a vocal style which forms the spine of his style of work. Not all songs are sung in falsetto though. Check out, “Weight of the World” and you may find the vocals playing a striking homage to the late Ian Curtis. Synth pop of a very simple form has been perfectly blended with choralic elements and harp plinks (yes Pat Grossi is a harpist as well), but it doesn’t end there. The songs are bigger than you might consider on first listen. They grow on you like a gentle monster with a disco heartpulse and in private moments you take refuge in its cool shadow, to find a huge smile on your face half way through each song.